Poppy comes from Berkshire. Pippa comes from Buckinghamshire.
Poppy studied history. Pippa studied anthropology.
Poppy loves Christmas. Pippa loves Easter.
Poppy is catholic. Pippa is a Seven Day Adventist. That is why she doesn’t love Christmas.
Poppy works in a solicitor’s office. Pippa works in a barrister’s office.
Poppy is afraid of spiders. Pippa is afraid of staplers.
Poppy has two older sister and a little baby brother. Pippa has three sisters and an older brother who died of AIDS in 1991, before they knew about cocktails.
Poppy was once stuck in an elevator for three hours. Pippa was once a high jump champion.
Poppy fell in love once with a surrealist Spanish painter. Pippa fell in love with her uncle’s life partner.
Poppy wants to travel around the world and help women who were abused by their husbands. Pippa has no plans at the moment.
Poppy loves popcorn. Pippa does to.
Poppy was once late for work and in her haste bumped into Pippa who dropped a two hundred page legal document on the dirt road, its pages blew away and landed in a lake where a lonely secretary was eating leek and potato soup on an overlooking bench.
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